Gledhill Street Elementary Home
Grizzly Fam

Mrs. Schuerich and her student Riella Dela Cruz, our Spelling Bee winner, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Riella Dela Cruz, on 1ST PLACE!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Michael Russell, on 2ND PLACE!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Candice Duarte, on 3RD PLACE for our Annual Spelling Bee!!!!!

Our Top 3: Riella in 1st Place, Michael in 2nd Place and Candice in 3rd place, Congratulations!!!

Our classroom finalist for the Annual Spelling Bee
Board Member, Kelly Gonez visiting our school

Thank you for visiting TRIXIE

NOW ENROLLING!!! For the 2024-2025 School Year.

Ahora Inscribiéndo!!! Para el Año Escolar 2024-2025.

Our Bike Winners for the 23-24 School Year, CONGRATULATIONS! Keep up, the amazing attendance :D

Our school Principal, Consuelo G. Padilla

About Us
News & Announcements

WE ARE ONE - "Know your Rights"
Lear about "Know your Rights" updated information and the importance of having a family preparedness plan
Mar 5
Mar 6
Stirling Parent Workshop / Taller para padres de Stirling
Time: 8:30 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent Center, Rm 12
Mar 7
ELAC Parent Meeting / Junta de ELAC para Padres
Time: 8:15 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent Center, Rm 12